Two sweet words...

A few days back, I wrote two of the sweetest words in an author's vocabulary:


Enthralled (Viking Lore, Book 1) is now complete! Now I'm on to the editing stages, but I hope to have Enthralled out by the end of July or early August. I can't wait to share this book with you--I think you'll fall in love with Eirik and Laurel and the world of the Vikings as much as I have! 

New book has a title!

Big news! I'm so excited to be able to announce that my next novel, a Viking romance, has a title! Here it is:

Enthralled (Viking Lore, Book #1)

Now time to get my fingers flying across the keyboard! Stay tuned for more updates on this new book!

Viking romance, anyone?

I've been savoring a little "pause" from writing since Highlander's Reckoning (Sinclair Brothers Trilogy, Book 3) is out and the Sinclair Brothers Trilogy is complete (for now...). But fear not! There are more projects in the works! I'm drafting ideas for the first book in a Viking romance series, which I'm very excited about! Anyone up for some Viking love? ;-)